Posts tagged Australia
A Visual Meditation: The Higher Consciousness

One of the core tools in my practice is a visualisation exercise I learnt in the nineteen seventies from Jungian analyst Phyllis Krystal (Krystal 1995). It is a visual prayer that can communicate a profound sense of safety flowing from a spiritual core that remains undefined or as you like to imagine it. I apply the exercise consistently as a visual aide to picture the client-therapist relationship and how both relate to what she called the ‘Higher Consciousness’. I introduce it to almost all groups I facilitate, and frequently meditate like this on my own.

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Sensorimotor Art Therapies

This professional development Art Therapy training is designed for mental health professional who wish to integrate a trauma-informed, healing-centred, bottom-up approach into their practice. Including Guided Drawing, Clay Field Therapy, Collage and Totem Making. Facilitated by Cornelia Elbrecht and The Institute for Sensorimotor Art Therapy and School for Initiatic Art.

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The Primary Shapes in Guided Drawing: The Lemniscate

Lemniscate is the term for a horizontal figure eight. Of all the primary shapes this is the least threatening. It is without exception experienced as positive rhythmic flow without any threat of overwhelm.

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Trauma Healing at the Clay Field - Working with Adults & Children

This unique art therapy approach is recognized in Europe as a discipline in its own right. Over 500 Clay Field Therapists are currently practicing in numerous institutions. It is part of the curriculum in schools for disabled and disadvantaged children; it is widely used in women's shelters, refugee centers and to facilitate trauma healing.

 The four workshops will look at the application of Clay Field Therapy

·     Experientially

·     Via videoed case histories

·     Through understanding core aspects of its theoretical basis

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What is Guided Drawing?

Once we have made contact and sufficient trust in the setting has been gained, I explain that it might be easier to imagine having a bodywork session rather than the idea of making art. If need be, I will take some time to explain that all emotions have a physiological expression. Fear might make your heart race, your palms sweaty and your stomach churn. Excitement wells up. Joy flows usually with ease.

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