Posts tagged apollo bay
Sensorimotor Art Therapies

This professional development Art Therapy training is designed for mental health professional who wish to integrate a trauma-informed, healing-centred, bottom-up approach into their practice. Including Guided Drawing, Clay Field Therapy, Collage and Totem Making. Facilitated by Cornelia Elbrecht and The Institute for Sensorimotor Art Therapy and School for Initiatic Art.

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Bilateral Body Movements

At the last weekend workshop we made “gymnast's sticks” from driftwood and branches we found in nature. Cut them to size to make handles, then decorated them with pieces of dyed cheese cloth, other fabric, and ribbons. We painted the materials, some embroidered it and carved “magic” into their sticks. Dancing with music, alone, in pairs and as a group with our sticks was not only fun, it also activated our mirror neutrons, created group synchronicity and connections.

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What is Guided Drawing?

Once we have made contact and sufficient trust in the setting has been gained, I explain that it might be easier to imagine having a bodywork session rather than the idea of making art. If need be, I will take some time to explain that all emotions have a physiological expression. Fear might make your heart race, your palms sweaty and your stomach churn. Excitement wells up. Joy flows usually with ease.

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