Posts tagged creative flow
The Transformation Journey

The concept of a topside world and an underworld is as old as human consciousness. We have the universal experience of day and night, of light and darkness. The day-light, sunny side is associated with what we know, what we can see and what is familiar, also with rational, logic, linear thinking and planning. The nightly dark side is unknown, mysterious and equally fascinating as it is terrifying. Here we perceive with our intuitive mind, processing the surroundings in associative image-based patterns. The night-side is the world of our dreams and the source of creative ideas. This underworld has different layers of darkness, which we can associate with the moon cycles. At full moon we can perceive, often with heightened awareness, what wonders this unknown world entails, whereas the dark moon can be filled with terrors and existential danger.

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Rhythmic Movement as a Vital Trauma Response

In recent weeks I find myself watching dance and movement video clips wherever they appear on social media. My soul craves them. On the days when I cannot go out and walk, I turn off all the lights at night, search for streaming Gabrielle Roth and dance to the 5 Rhythms in the dark. The many posts on Facebook inviting me to visit famous art galleries all over the world, to take virtual tours through the pyramids, and glide along the walls of the Sistine Chapel soon feel strenuous, like yet another thing to focus on. My eyes are hurting from too much screen time and the incessant online bombardment with visual stimuli.

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