Posts tagged Chris Storm
An Initiatic Art Therapy Journey

Sometimes training to work with vulnerable and historically adversely impacted people is perplexing. This is why after 30+ years in the Community Services sector my eternal curiosity was focused on how to best support my clients; how could I assist them to embrace the healthiest and safest version of themselves?

Then I discovered the world of Art Therapy - and specifically Sensorimotor Art Therapy. Through my work I had already trained in numerous modalities and intervention-based options, however I still remained somewhat frustrated. Finally I realised that in my personal practices I had been utilising these methodologies to varying degrees. It was time to start some consolidation…

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I am woman, hear me draw!

When I first came to Sensorimotor Art Therapy over 10 years ago it was with the intention to find new ways to support clients to find a pathway through their troubles. As someone who has a leaning towards lifelong learning and deepening knowledge of various options, I had long wondered about the ways that Art Therapy could be utilised with children, adults and in particular at that time, with people impacted by family violence. It has been through the unfolding my own learning journey since those early days that I discovered that many of the tools and techniques I had been using over the years had a definite ‘art therapy’ quality to them.

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Sustenance and Sensorimotor Art Therapy®

When I first came to Sensorimotor Art Therapy over 10 years ago it was with the intention to find new ways to support clients to find a pathway through their troubles. As someone who has a leaning towards lifelong learning and deepening knowledge of various options, I had long wondered about the ways that Art Therapy could be utilised with children, adults and in particular at that time, with people impacted by family violence. It has been through the unfolding my own learning journey since those early days that I discovered that many of the tools and techniques I had been using over the years had a definite ‘art therapy’ quality to them.

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